In the last few years this award-winning ensemble have toured the South Pacific, gone viral on Facebook, sung for the Prime Minister and had many events cancelled by the Pandemic. Now they're rearing to get back on the road and celebrate the new year with new repertoire, new singers, but the same quality which kiwis have come to expect for their NZ Youth Choir.

It is always an honour to put the black uniform. These 50 singers have been selected from all over the country to represent New Zealand. The trophy cabinet at headquarters is full to the brim and includes the "world cup" of choir singing, the "Choir of the World" trophy won in 1999 in Wales.
This is your chance to see the choir on your home turf for one night only. Pack your whānau, bring your mates, this will be one glorious night out.

Keeping everyone safe

  • Audience will be required to prove proof of vaccination upon entry
  • Our choir and staff are fully vaccinated
  • There will be restricted audience numbers if Northland is in the Red level of the Protection Framework
  • Bubbles will be spatially distanced
  • Audience will be required to wear masks
  • If you have any specific questions around our commitment to keep our choir and audience safe, feel free to email
With support from:

Unfortunately due to the current COVID-19 outbreak we are forced to cancel this concert. We are going to try to reschedule for April 2022, so keep an eye out for that! All ticket holders will be refunded, thank you for your understanding.


Ngā mihi.

Christchurch pre-sales SOLD OUT – Door sales only


Our nationally selected choir of singers aged 18-25 is so excited to be returning to Christchurch, Westport and Greymouth. In the last few years this award-winning ensemble have toured the South Pacific, gone viral on Facebook, sung for the Prime Minister and had many events cancelled by the Pandemic. Now they’re rearing to get back on the road and celebrate the new year with new repertoire, new singers, but the same quality which kiwis have come to expect for their NZ Youth Choir.

It is always an honor to put the black uniform. These 50 singers have been selected from all over the country to represent New Zealand. The trophy cabinet at headquarters is full to the brim and includes the “world cup” of choir singing, the “Choir of the World” trophy won in 1999 in Wales.
This is your chance to see the choir on your home turf for one night only. Pack your whānau, bring your mates, this will be one glorious night out.


With support from:



We’ll be at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds for most of the day on Waitangi Day 2021, performing a special concert in the afternoon. Keep an eye on our website and facebook page for more details.


With support from:



7pm, FRIDAY 5 February 2021

Since visiting Whangārei in 2019 we have toured the South Pacific, gone viral on facebook, sung for the Prime Minister, and had many events cancelled by the pandemic. So we are rearing to go, to celebrate the new year with new repertoire, new singers, but the same quality which kiwis have come to expect from their NZ Youth Choir.

These 50 singers have been selected from all over the country to represent New Zealand. The trophy cabinet at headquarters is full to the brim and includes the ‘world cup’ of choir singing, the ‘Choir of the World’ trophy won in 1999 in Wales.

This is your chance to see this award-winning ensemble on your home turf for one night only. Pack your whānau, bring your mates this will be one glorious summer night out.

With support from:


Join us at the end of our first week! This is the first time the 2020-2022 NZ Youth Choir is meeting in person, and you’re invited to sit in on a rehearsal to see how our week has gone. A great opportunity for singers, conductors and music lovers to get behind-the-scenes with the choir.

Led by Musical Director David Squire, with Deputy Music Director Michael Stewart and Vocal Consultant Morag Atchison.

No on site car parking. Free entry.